Garbhsanskar is a term derived from Sanskrit, where “garbh” means womb and “sanskar” refers to a ritual or process of refining. It’s a concept from ancient Indian traditions that focuses on various practices and activities to nurture the mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of a pregnant woman and her developing fetus.
The underlying idea of garbhsanskar is that the environment and experiences a pregnant woman goes through can have a positive or negative impact on the physical, mental, and emotional development of the baby inside the womb. It’s believed that a mother’s thoughts, emotions, and activities during pregnancy can shape the child’s disposition, intelligence, and personality.
Our classes give information to all the expecting couples or individuals about what they can expect. As soon as a woman gets pregnant she is told not to stress, not to thing negative, do not watch anything that has a serious and negative impact on her mental state. But no one tells her why should not, how she should manage her stress, how chanting mantras and practicing breathing and yoga can not only impact the mother positively but also the growing baby. Practices such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and seeking emotional support during pregnancy are generally recognized as beneficial for both the mother and the baby’s well-being. These online/offline classes encourage couples to stimulate and create a positive as well as emotional bond between the mother and the baby inside the womb itself.
Pregnant couples or individuals