Useful FAQ

Useful Faq's

What Online Classes are conducted by Swapnil Kaushik, In What Language and Who can attend them ?
Where can I see Class Schedules and How can I Register ?
How will my query be clarified in the webinar ?
When and in what Time Zone are Swapnil Kaushik Pregnancy Care Webinars Conducted ?
Are you currently conducting Offline classes in Gurgaon?
Is one to one Session or Counselling available ?
Can I use International Cards for Registration Payment ?
Is there separate Registration option available for people outside India ?
When and in what Time Zone are ''Swapnil Kaushik'' Webinars Conducted ?
What is the Registration or Booking procedure for all the Classes ?
Is there an option for PreBooking or PreRegistration for the Classes ?
How long will the registration link be active ?
Is there an Option for One on One Class or Counselling ?
What is the Cost or Fees of the Classes ?
What are the modes of payment available ?
Can I get a Refund, if I missed the Class due to Personal reasons?
How many number of Participants are there per Online Class ?
How will the ''Online Webinar Meeting Link'' be provided to registered Participants ?
I made a payment and it failed, but the money got debited. I have not received any Payment Mail confirmation with a Payment ID from Instamojo/Razorpay.
I made a payment successfully, but have not received any Payment Mail confirmation with a Payment ID from Instamojo/Razorpay.
Can we attend the Online Class through Mobile ?
What is the minimum Internet bandwidth we need to attend the Online Class ?
What is the minimum Internet data required to attend the Online Class?
Is there a Phone Dial-in option for Swapnil Kaushik Online Class ?
Where can I share my Birth Story/Other stories ?