Bracing up for childbirth, Breastfeeding, Natural Childbirth

Discover the wonders of breast crawl, even after a C-section

The journey of motherhood is often portrayed as a natural and seamless transition, yet the reality can be far more complex, especially for those who undergo a Caesarean section (C-section). Amidst the uncertainty and challenges that accompany surgical birth, the desire to nurture and nourish one’s newborn through breastfeeding remains a steadfast desire.


Newborns have an innate tendency known as “breast crawling,” in which they move toward their mother’s breast as soon as they are born. Many cultures have recorded this phenomenon, which is thought to help mothers and children form early bonds and initiate breastfeeding.


Here come the wonders of breast crawl, fostering a deep connection and initiating the beautiful breastfeeding journey.


Builds Emotional Bonding

Breast crawling after the birth of the baby builds an emotional bond between the mother and the infant. Skin-to-skin contact strengthens their connection and promotes their well-being.


Initiates Breastfeeding

Breast crawling sets off the infant’s reflexes, which makes them more inclined to latch onto the mother’s breast and initiate breastfeeding. This helps infants grow their reflexes and find comfort in their surroundings.


Stabilises Heart Rate & Breathing

When a baby is born, its heart rate and breathing keep on shuffling. Breast crawling allows skin-to-skin contact, which helps stabilise the infant’s heart rate and breathing patterns and eventually promotes overall health.


Helps Uterine Contraction

Breast crawling helps with uterine contraction and faster expulsion, which reduces blood loss in mothers and prevents Anemia. Breastfeeding accelerates the process of uterine involution and reduces the chances of Anemia in mothers.


Regulates Body Temperature

In the initial days, when the baby has given birth, the baby has an unstable body temperature. Breast Crawling helps regulate the baby’s body temperature and reduces the chances of diseases like Hypothermia, especially after C-Section.


Many mothers deliver their child via C-Section) surgery because vaginal birth is not possible at times. Even after a C-section, the magic of breast crawl holds the promise of bonding and nourishment, transcending the boundaries of surgical intervention. Mothers who find it difficult to initiate breast crawling after C- Section can take certain steps to start breastfeeding immediately.


Clear Communication

You can have clear communication with your healthcare provider about your instant breast crawl after a C-section. This will help you prepare yourself with adequate knowledge and care.


Be Prepared

Once you know you are going to deliver the baby through C-Section, think about your birth plan and prepare for instant breastfeeding after the delivery.


Have Patience

While your baby is moving towards your breast, let them do it at their own pace patiently. You can support them by providing gentle encouragement along the way.


Breast crawling is a beautiful step that brings the baby and the mother together. Even after a C-section you need not worry about facilitating the same, you can still experience the sublime bliss of breastfeeding following the aforementioned steps on a prior basis. Ask your family for help with household chores, and enjoy the ultimate beauty of breast crawling while recovering from your surgery.

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