Natural Childbirth, Preconception, Trimester

Pre-conception tips for women who frequently travel

Grappled with the busy work life, there are times when women have to travel frequently. In such scenarios, women find it difficult to conceive. You may get concerned about the changes in your routine, in your diet, your fertility hormones getting messed up, or changes in your fertility window. Travelling is important, but conceiving safely is also a matter of concern for women. There are many practices that you can incorporate into your daily life to minimize disruption to your hormones when you are travelling or away from your home for a healthy conception.


In this blog, we have a few tips for you to travel without worrying about healthy conception.


Pack homemade or healthy food

What matters the most is your food intake. If your body is habitual of organic and homemade food, pack it in your case else it can be a challenge for you to get organic food when you travel. Even if you get it, you might not know what kind of fats and minerals are there in your food. You can pack supplies of organic tea, nut butter, nuts, and other essential things to complete your nutrition.


Maintain the fertility window

Fertility window refers to the time during your menstrual cycle when you’re most likely to get pregnant. When you travel longer distances, it is possible that the change in time zones can affect your fertility window. It can cause you to have an early period, a late period, or skip a month completely. To prepare yourself for the same, you can calculate your days concerning the different time zones.


Ward off Jetlag

When you travel to places with different time zones for a while, it affects your earlier schedule due to jetlag. This jetlag can cause tiredness and exhaustion because of unbalanced sleep and altered hormones, resulting in affecting the conceiving process. To ward off jetlag, try practising acupressure. That can help your body adjust to the earlier time zones. Press the acupressure point that synchronizes with the time zone that you are travelling to, and it will reset your body and help you ward off jetlag.


Safe flying to your destination

During your journey to your destination, ensure that you have a safer one, not solely in terms of security but health, too. When you travel at higher altitudes, they are quite dry with very low humidity, where there are higher chances of your catching a cold. Even it may slow down your digestive system causing stomach aches. These may result in making the conceiving process more complex. To avoid such circumstances, you should eat a whole nutritious meal two hours before your flight. Try to sleep as much as you can and make your body feel relaxed as it will keep the hormones balanced and better functioning of your body.


All in all, following these tips will help you balance your hormones and maximize your fertility. Trying these steps can enable you to reduce stress, feel relaxed, and improve your chances of getting pregnant. A relaxed mindset is important to decrease stress hormones and increase fertility hormones. So, the next time you travel, don’t worry about the conceiving process; just try these simple tips and enjoy the journey.

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